Monday 1 July 2013

Post Moterm A Day for Syria 29th June 2013

Review from Mrs Shila Razlan:
Versi Bahasa Melayu:

Apa yg ada di sekeliling kita boleh dilihat melalui dua aspek iaitu yg nyata dilihat dengan mata zahir dan yg ghaib dilihat dengan mata hati.

Jika kita lihat gula, mata kasar melihat sejenis hablur berwarna keputihan. Bila diletakkan pada lidah terasalah manisnya. Ketika menikmati kemanisan itu kita seolah-olah memandang jauh kepada sesuatu yg tidak ada di hadapan mata. Kelakuan merenung jauh itu sebenarnya adalah terjemahan kepada perbuatan mata hati memandang kepada hakikat gula iaitu manis. Bagaimana rupa manis tidak dapat diceritakan tetapi mata hati yang melihat kepadanya mengenal bahwa gula adalah manis.

Jika mata zahir melihat sebilah pedang, maka mata hati akan melihat pada tajamnya. Jadi, mata zahir mengenal dan membezakan rupa yg zahir sementara mata hati mengenal dan membezakan hakikat kepada yg zahir. Mata hati yang hanya berfungsi setakat mengenal manis, tajam, pedas dan yg seumpamanya masih dianggap sebagai mata hati yg buta. Mata hati hanya dianggap celik jika ia mampu melihat urusan ketuhanan di sebalik yang nyata dan yang tidak nyata.

#ADayForSyria berjalan dengan lancar, hanya kerana izin Allah - SubhanaAllah Walhamdulillahi WaAllahuakbar.

Sedikit postmortem ringkas sepanjang 24jam yang lepas:

1. Pada mata zahir, kejayaan usaha kerdil ini dipuji2 manusia dan kredit kebanyakannya dituju kepada Shila Razlan, si penganjur. Sesiapa yang mempunyai mata hati yang celik pasti juga memberi tahniah juga kepada setiap insan yang berkorban untuk menjayakan program ini samada dari bentuk infaq harta & infaq tenaga & masa. Pasti juga mereka berterima kasih pada suami saya yang banyak bersabar dengan keadaan rumah yang bersepah, makan lauk cincai & tidur berseorangan - kerana si isteri berjaga malam menyiapkan kerja amal. Pasti juga mereka mengucapkan tahniah & ingin bergambar dengan seorang hamba Allah yang datang dari Kelantan dengan hanya menaiki vespa semata-mata untuk bersama sahabat Syria. Pasti juga mereka ingin 'add friend' dengan seorang kakak yang datang jauh dari Kemaman, membawa pelbagai peralatan untuk anak2 Syria membuat persembahan, walaupun anaknya sendiri baru menjalani pembedahan di hospital sehari sebelum 29hb Jun. Pasti juga mereka ingin berpeluk dengan seorang ibu tua yang membawa periuk berat berisi makanan masakannya, datang menaiki komuter & 2 biji bas untuk ke Bangi. Ibu ini juga hanya mempunyai satu buah pinggang, kerana telah menderma satu kepada anaknya yang sakit. AllahuAkbar.

2. Pada mata zahir, kelihatan seperti hanya beberapa orang yang penat berlari ke sana ke mari menguruskan perjalanan majlis lalu merasakan mereka ini hebat. Tapi kepada yang mempunyai mata hati, pasti terlihat seorang anak gadis kurang upaya, berpeluh2 di bawah matahari, menolong bapa seorang pemandu teksi, menjual air minuman dimana semua wang modal & keuntungan disedeqahkan untuk Syria. Mereka ini jauh lebih hebat - kalau adik itu punyai kemampuan, mungkin dia lari jauh lebih hebat daripada saya untuk menjayakan majlis.

3. Pada mata zahir, kelihatan seperti saya mempunyai ramai kenalan kerana majlis ini dijayakan secara sukarela. Namun mata hati pasti tahu, yang hanya 10% daripada kakitangan sukarelawan adalah sahabat yang saya kenal bertahun2. Yang lain, semuanya 'strangers' yang datang menyahut seruan Allah untuk menolong saudara seIslam. 90% daripada my so-called friends yang saya kenal bertahun-tahun; sering beralasan dengan samada 'not me', 'not now', or 'not my problem' dan buat2 tak nampak dengan status A Day For Syria saya sepanjang sebulan yang lalu. Wallahi, saya tak kecil hati. It's your loss not mine. I am truly sorry for you.

Pada mata zahir, kelihatan seperti saya yang banyak 'berkorban' untuk orang Syria di Malaysia. Namun sayalah manusia yang paling banyak menerima di sepanjang persiapan untuk majlis ini. Terima Kasih Allah atas didikan ini.

English version:

What’s happening all around us can be seen in two aspects, namely the visible can be seen by the ‘zahir eyes’ or naked eyes and the unseen can only be seen and felt by the ‘hidden eyes’.

If we look at sugar, to the naked eye look kind of whitish crystals. When placed on the tongue we taste its sweetness. Enjoying its sweetness is like looking far beyond what the naked eyes can see. We cannot describe sweetness by word, yet our inner eyes can ‘see’ sweetness when we see sugar.

Naked eyes will see a sword, but the inner eyes can see its sharpness. Hence, naked eyes see and recognize physical appearance, while inner eyes see the truth behind the physical appearances. Though we can recognize sweet, sharp, spicy, with our inner eyes, they are still blind unless we learn to see the Creator’s greatness and blessings behind what is visible & invisible to the eyes.

#ADayforSyria run smoothly, with Allah’s permission - SubhanaAllah Walhamdulillahi WaAllahuakbar.

A brief postmortem over the past 24 hours:

1. To the naked eyes, people will see the success of this program and give credit to the team and especially Shila Razlan, the organizer. But if they have clear vision of their inner eyes, they would also congratulate everyone who has contributed their wealth, energy & time. They would also thanking my husband for putting up with a messy home, lousy meal & countless nights sleeping alone cause the wife busy preparing for the big day. For sure they would also want to take photo with a brother who came all the way from Kelantan, riding his vespa motorcycle for over 400km just to spend time with Syrian families. They would also eager to 'add friend' with a sister who came all the way from Kemaman, carrying various equipment for the Syrians children to perform, despite her own son just had a surgery at the hospital a day before June 29th. They would also want to hug and shake hands with an elderly mother, who came carrying a heavy load of delicious home cooked meal by a commuter & 2 busses ride to Bangi. This mother also has only one kidney left, as she had donated one to her sick son. Allahu akbar.

2. To the naked eyes, looks like only a handful of people tirelessly running here and there ensuring the success of the program. But keen inner eyes will spot a girl on a wheelchair, sweating under the hot sun, helping out her taxi driver father, selling drinks and donated all proceeds (including capital) to Syria. This family is far superior in spirit - if only the girl has the ability to walk, she’d run faster than I did for Syria.

3. To the naked eyes, it seems that I had a battalion of friends who were willing to work for my cause voluntarily. Yet the fact is only 10% of the volunteer staffs are my longtime friends. The rests were all strangers who responded to the call of God to help brothers in Islam. 90% of my so called longtime friends; often responded with either 'not me', 'not now', or 'not my problem' and pretended not to notice my constant status update about A Day For Syria since over a month ago. Wallahi, I'm not offended. It's your loss not mine. I am truly sorry for you.

To the naked eyes, it seems like I sacrificed a lot for my Syrian friends in Malaysia. But the fact is I was the one who gained the most from this experience. Thank you oh Allah for educating me thru this experience.

Fakir illa Rabbi,
Shila Razlan #adayaforsyria
A Day For Syria | 29 June 2013 | 20 Sya'aban 1434H

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It was a one of a kind 'from the people-for the people-by the people' project with no corporate sponsorship or celebrity appearances. A shining example of Allah's infinite rahmah. Together, we definitely can biiznillah.
To ALL who are behind this, my standing ovation to you and your family along with my doa of Allah's continuous blessings for your dunya & akhirah. May Allah repay your sacrifice with Jannah, ameen.

GAMES of the day

Shoot the ball
Deco Cup Cake







For Auction/ Charity sale:







The buyer







Busy buying tokens & redeem the prizes..




Album from:

My Kids really enjoy..alhamdulillah..




Thanks Allah..
On this very day, we feel so happy...
May our Syrian friend feel the same too..
Besides Du'a, this is the least that we can possibly do...

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